Ever wondered what you are doing crammed into a train carriage with 100+ other people as you make your way to work on a dull, grey day?  Do you bounce into the office with a fake energy to convince both yourself and colleagues that you really do enjoy your job, when inside all you are doing is screaming, longing to escape?  Do you spend your days playing little games with yourself, going on a mini-adventure to the stationary cupboard to see what fun you might be able to find for the day?  Or do you find yourself sitting alone in the open plan office at 10pm, stomach rumbling, thinking that maybe you should have ordered some food or gone home before it got this late?

I can say yes to all these questions.  Or at least I used to be able to until I decided to change my lifestyle.  I took the brave and bold step to leave it all behind and follow my passion of travel.  Since then I’ve never looked back.  I’m not saying I’m going to be able to sustain this lifestyle long term, but it made me realise I am not made to sit in an office all day long.  I can now see alternative ways to make a living and survive.  And all it took was someone to encourage me to take that leap of faith and guide me in the right direction, for which I am truly grateful.

So, how can you do the same?

LAN and TAM airlines might just be offering the encouragement you need.  They helped us make the Amazon River Run a reality.  And now you have the chance to go on your own incredible adventure with them.

In return for some photos, blog posts and videos (which let’s be honest you were probably going to do anyway!), you’ll be able to travel around South America for up to three months.  All flights are included to get you over there and around the continent.  Plus you’ll get £1,500 spending money each month which can go a very long way whilst travelling, a brand new GoPro camera, backpack and loads of other gear to set you up for your trip.  What better opportunity are you waiting for than this?

So, take that leap of faith; put your request in to use up any leftover holiday; ask for that sabbatical; quit your job; whatever it is that is holding you back, do it.  And apply now.  It might just change your life.
