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Running For Good


Running For Good

A few weeks ago I was set a challenge; to run a marathon with a difference, something that would challenge me as well as having a positive impact to those around me.  Here's what I got up to...


British Menu Planning


British Menu Planning

When was the last time you thought about where your food comes from?  The dried fruit and nut granola you ate for breakfast or the chicken sandwich that you had for lunch?  In May, I set myself the challenge of eating only British grown and reared food.  I've compiled this list of items that I ate to help you take up the challenge too.


Food for thought

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Food for thought

These days we've become so used to having the food we want when we want it.  A Thai curry one night, Spaghetti Bolognaise the next.  It's become hard to imagine a world without the things we love to eat being available whenever we want them.  But what if you could only eat food produced right here in the Britain?

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nohtaraM ehT

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nohtaraM ehT

My family and friends have always said I am a little bit crazy.  And I guess I can agree with them to some extent, particularly with my latest challenge that I'll be undertaking in less than 12 hours from now...

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