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The value of virtual field trips

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The value of virtual field trips

In 2016 I wrote an article about the value of virtual field trips for the RGS.  I'm re-posting it here as I think it's still relevant, and even more so as Explore By The Seat Of Your Pants launches in the UK!

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Taking time out of work


Taking time out of work

Ever wondered what you are doing crammed into a train carriage with 100+ other people as you make your way to work on a dull, grey day?  Do you bounce into the office with a fake energy...


A long journey along the Amazon (the short version!)


A long journey along the Amazon (the short version!)

Where to start?  So much has happened and there are so many stories to tell it’s going to be hard to explain it all but I’ll try and give a very quick glimpse for you of my last six months travelling the length of the Amazon.

Tarran, my travel companion and I set off in June for Lima, Peru where...
